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White Paper

Pulse Check on your Physician Spend: The Top Priority for Hospital Executives

Illustration of people learning and analyzing information and data

Many hospital organizations are finding it difficult to manage their physician contracts and ensure appropriate compensation to doctors. As a result, hospital executives are left without clear visibility into a key financial metric of their business called 'physician spend' - the total amount of money allocated toward their physician contracts.

Download the white paper to learn how hospitals tackle the physician spend issue through automation.

What You'll Learn

What is Physician Spend?

Why Measuring and Managing Physicial Spend is So Difficult​​

Why Now is The Time To Act​

How to Gain Insight Into Your Physician Spend​

7 Steps to Streamlining Physician Payments​

Why Hospital Executives Feel it's Imperative to Manage Physician Spend​

About Ludi

Ludi, Inc. is a healthcare technology company making it easier for hospitals to pay physicians. Ludi’s DocTime Suite automates the payment process for any type of physician arrangement, from a signed contract to payment. We’re trusted by hundreds of hospitals nationwide to simplify how they pay their physician teams.

Abstract illustration of a physician standing in front of a laptop with a screen showing another physician holding a laptop device with additional medical symbols
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physician contracts reviewed
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in physician payments processed
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average ROI for clients
using DocTime
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