How to Optimize Your Physician Contract & Compensation
Strategy with Digital Innovation
- Recording Date: 2/28/2023
- Duration: 1 hour (approximately)
- Speaker: Katie Tarr, CVA, Shareholder, Healthcare Valuation Services, LBMC
- Speaker: Danielle O'Rourke, Chief Operating Officer, Ludi, Inc.
- Moderator: Brittany Adams, Marketing Strategy Manager, Ludi, Inc.
Hospital-physician relationships often reflect the strength of a provider organization. It’s also a business relationship defined by a specific contract or agreement – one that is complex in structure and should meet certain regulatory exceptions and safe harbors. This session will examine the financial realities and compliance risks of hospital-physician relationships, and how technology can make a positive impact. Specifically, we’ll do a deep dive on two key areas of physician contracts and payments and the role tech plays: how to set up and manage commercially reasonable physician arrangements, and how to keep an eye on the total expenditures of your contracts to ensure an ROI.