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physician contracts

Emergency Room entrance at a hospital at night.

4 Ways to Optimize Your Strategy Around Physician On-Call Contracts

Nearly all hospitals have to manage on-call contracts. Whether you run a large hospital, trauma center or a small private hospital, chances are you have on-call physicians. There are several factors that make compensating on-call physicians tricky though. From rate differentiation and adhering to fair market value (FMV), to contract type, we’ll explore a few […]

4 Ways to Optimize Your Strategy Around Physician On-Call Contracts Read More »

Business analytics and financial concept, Plans to increase business growth and an increase in the indicators of positive growth floating above digital screen.

3 Trends That Will Impact Physician Compensation in 2022, and Why Automating Creates a Good Pathway Forward

Let’s face it, 2021 was yet another challenging year for healthcare providers. Hospitals nationwide worked hard to provide for their patients in a very uncommon time, while trying to remain profitable and operationally sound. But what does 2022 have in store for hospitals, specifically when it comes to the increasingly complex world of physician contracts

3 Trends That Will Impact Physician Compensation in 2022, and Why Automating Creates a Good Pathway Forward Read More »

Filing cabinet with a single yellow folder in an open drawer

Hear Me Out: Why Physician Contracts Don’t Belong in a Contract Management System

It’s no secret that hospitals, on average, partner with thousands of vendors throughout the year to ensure their business runs smoothly. They contract with vendors to supply many items, from paper towels and paperclips to sutures and implants. A contract management system is used to keep all these individual contracts in order, so this technology essentially

Hear Me Out: Why Physician Contracts Don’t Belong in a Contract Management System Read More »

Image of a chess board with king and queen standing amongst fallen pawns

Our Tips for a Rock-Solid Physician-Contract Strategy in 2021

Here at Ludi, we’ve been fortunate over the years to work with wonderful hospital clients throughout the country. Through these different collaborations, we’ve identified a number of best practices that can help hospitals better manage their physician contract strategies. If you didn’t catch our latest infographic on this very topic, here’s a recap of some of our

Our Tips for a Rock-Solid Physician-Contract Strategy in 2021 Read More »

Exterior of a hopsital Emergency Room at dusk

Gallbladders & Physician Strategy. Getting a ‘Penthouse View’ of Physician Alignment

Yes, it sounds strange, right? Physician advocate blogger writing about her long-lost gallbladder and physician strategy connections. I tend to run pretty hard, and let’s face it, so does anyone working in health care these days. Whether you deliver the care or administrate the setting with which the care happens, your hair is on fire

Gallbladders & Physician Strategy. Getting a ‘Penthouse View’ of Physician Alignment Read More »

Black keyboard with red OOPS! button indicating errors in physician time tracking

5 Errors to Avoid in Physician Time Tracking

This is the time of year when I’m on the road regularly talking with clients and other hospital professionals at different conferences. One of the things I’m constantly reminded of is how automation is really a must-have in the world of managing physician contracts. Why? Because paying doctors for the work they’re contracted to do

5 Errors to Avoid in Physician Time Tracking Read More »

A professional in a blurred background pointing to a set of gears to illustrate health care automation

Tech Automation in Physician-Hospital Contracts: Why It Matters

Automation is a big word and an even bigger concept in the world of health care. It’s important to remember that there are varying degrees of automation though, particularly when it comes to one key operational process in hospitals: physician time tracking and payments. More specifically, the process of having physicians log time for administrative

Tech Automation in Physician-Hospital Contracts: Why It Matters Read More »

Image of a hand dropping a penny into a jar of coins with a blooming plant depicting physician spend or physician pay

Stop Stepping Over Stacks of Money with Your Physician Spend!

As hospitals cut costs in every area, one of the last remaining protected buckets is physician contracts. What if I told you that you can cut 1% off your total spend this next year. Would you believe me? There are three solid ways to cut your spend, and actually, with data, all can be relatively painless.

Stop Stepping Over Stacks of Money with Your Physician Spend! Read More »

Join us for our HFMA-sponsored webinar, "Mastering Provider Compensation" w/ Phoebe Putney Health System.