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Learn how Stamford Health, a not-for-profit, multi facility hospital system with 305 beds used DocTime to save $259,000 annually.
Assess your medical directorship strategy’s strength & identify compliance risks with a 5-min self quiz.
California Hospital Streamlines Provider Payments, Saving Time and Costs with DocTime®.
Optimize your approach to medical directorship contracts. Here’s how to create an effective, risk-free strategy.
Edgerton Hospital, a Midwest critical access hospital, optimized their entire provider arrangement approach with DocTime.
Before you finalize a physician contract, stop and be sure it contains the five things listed in our infographic.
Western Reserve, a provider-owned hospital, reduced compliance risk and administrative burden with DocTime.
Dive into the complex world of physician compensation strategies and the technology that’s revolutionizing how doctors get paid.
The process of paying doctors can be tricky. Our guide has tactics to make managing physician payments easier.
Tap into more savings with your physician expenditures. Check out our expert advice.
Streamline your physician contract and payment strategy with automation. Here’s how to evaluate your options.
Uncover why 70% of hospitals struggle with physician payment processes and discover how automation improves compliance.
Physician contract spend is a critical financial metric for hospitals. Here’s how to measure your spend.
Explore how hospitals manage physician contracts and what can be done to improve the process.
Explore the hidden physician contract issues that leave your hospital at risk.
Learn about the 3 factors driving physician compensation as well as how to to examine your physician agreements.
What is the real value of physician payment automation? Watch to see how hospitals are achieving 5-6x their ROI through automation.
Explore physician contract management with tech automation: setting up profitable arrangements and monitoring contract costs for ROI.
In this webinar, hospital experts discuss tactical steps to enhance physician payment strategies that reduce compliance risk and promote a more meaningful bond between hospital and physician.
Our experts explore how automation can address challenges in physician payments, on-call pit falls and managing on-call arrangements for satisifaction.
Our hospital expert dives into some of the trends we expect to see in around physician compensation, and why automating physician contracts & payments will be vital.
Our experts examine the intricate world of physician compensation strategies and how hospitals and other healthcare organizations can optimize the processes that drive their strategies.
Our experts discuss the future of physician compensation and how COVID-19 has impacted the changing regulatory landscape.
Our experts discuss the growing trends in hospital and physician relationships and what to expect.
Our Founder Gail Peace & hospital expert discuss hospital budget strategies related to physician contracts.
This webinar explores the financial pressures faced by hospitals during COVID.
Our Founder Gail Peace and our hospital exports discuss physician alignment strategies and best practices around physician compensation.
Our experts discuss the top trends hospitals should watch for, define physician alignment and explore the history of hospital and physician relationships.
Founder Gail Peace joins our hospital expert to discuss how he and his team use DocTime® technology to better manage physician spend with his medical teams.
Discover common pitfalls in physician contracts and learn 5 best practices for financially sound contract alignment.
Our webinar explores the blindspot that hospitals struggle with when it comes to physician payments.

Learn about our upcoming release, DocTime Productivity 2.0, and sign up to be notified about the launch!